1Corinthians 9:19-23 ESV
19 For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. 20 To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. 21 To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. 23 I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.
Titus 1:15 ESV
To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled.
Perhaps you aren't one of those people who are fluent in Quotish (the language of those who like to regurgitate quotes in place of their own original thoughts). Well, I am. My family speaks Quotish. The title is a quote from the movie "Hitch". Will Smith's character, Hitch, is coaching a guy on how to get the girl he likes. He picks out some shoes, and the guy responds, "They aren't really me." Hitch responds by reciting the title of this post.
It has been an incredible experience. Not only have I gotten a ton of compliments about my clothing, but Kathleen, the one I should be dressing for, has been greatly pleased. I have found myself wearing things I would never pick out in a million years. Here's the crazy part though... I still exist. I am still me.
Nicholas Lane Laning wears preppy/country clothes, lots of plaids, boots, nice jeans, and occasionally even a cowboy or Cowboys hat. I love Jesus and His saving grace, family, my friends, my hometown of New Braunfels, bar-b-gue (Salt Lick, Granzin's), Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas, staying up late, all things Scottish, Irish, or Texan, Lake City Colorado, the colors red, white, and light blue, basketball (Spurs), football (Cowboys), wildlife, hunting, music (particularly acoustic indy music with heavily bearded men from some place cold, singing falsetto, or Coldplay), philosophy, traveling, maps, and analyzing concepts to oblivion. I don't like modern, western atheism, hominy, hip hop music (with a some exceptions, for example, for whatever reason, I like the song Tipsy. I know. I know... not me right?), waking up early, innuendo (not that I never partake, I do on occasion, and I hate that the most), depression, rhetorical manipulation...
Those are some of my stats, right?
My challenge for anyone who reads this is to ask yourself if you are limiting yourself with your stats? What do you not do? (i.e. You wear nothing but baggy clothes, and someone says you'd look good in something fitting, and you reply that you don't DO fitting, or you'd look good wearing a blazer and skinny tie when all you wear is plaid shirts, because you don't DO that skinny tie urban thing) Who are you living for the most? God? Your spouse? Your friends? Your self? Who should you be living for? Do you really have to do things exactly the way you've done them to be you? Is there room for growth? Specifically, if you are married, or to be married, are letting some rigid concept of yourself stop you from doing the things that will please and minister to your spouse? Or, are you still making yourself God, and disallowing God, and vicariously others to influence your stats?
A couple of weeks ago, I was thinking about how there are certain things I have told Kathleen that I wish she would wear, and she hadn't. I was beginning to get all puffy and flustered inside, when it hit me... she has told me a ton of things that she likes, and I have worn almost none of them. That very day, I told Kathleen that I was to be her Ken doll.
It has been an incredible experience. Not only have I gotten a ton of compliments about my clothing, but Kathleen, the one I should be dressing for, has been greatly pleased. I have found myself wearing things I would never pick out in a million years. Here's the crazy part though... I still exist. I am still me.
What I have learned through this is that we really do put to much stock into these temporary things. We think that our stats make us. We make lists of what we like, don't like, do, don't do, what "our style" is. Mine might look something like this... those of you who have spent time with me will nod your head.
Nicholas Lane Laning wears preppy/country clothes, lots of plaids, boots, nice jeans, and occasionally even a cowboy or Cowboys hat. I love Jesus and His saving grace, family, my friends, my hometown of New Braunfels, bar-b-gue (Salt Lick, Granzin's), Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas, staying up late, all things Scottish, Irish, or Texan, Lake City Colorado, the colors red, white, and light blue, basketball (Spurs), football (Cowboys), wildlife, hunting, music (particularly acoustic indy music with heavily bearded men from some place cold, singing falsetto, or Coldplay), philosophy, traveling, maps, and analyzing concepts to oblivion. I don't like modern, western atheism, hominy, hip hop music (with a some exceptions, for example, for whatever reason, I like the song Tipsy. I know. I know... not me right?), waking up early, innuendo (not that I never partake, I do on occasion, and I hate that the most), depression, rhetorical manipulation...
Those are some of my stats, right?
They are, and they are a part of me. They are important, but they do not encompass. Our taste grows, changes. I don't dress exactly like I did in junior high. There has been a progression. There are similarities for sure. The heart is the same, but the application has refined. Have I become not me because I no longer wear jammer pants like I did when I was a kid? Surely not.
My challenge for anyone who reads this is to ask yourself if you are limiting yourself with your stats? What do you not do? (i.e. You wear nothing but baggy clothes, and someone says you'd look good in something fitting, and you reply that you don't DO fitting, or you'd look good wearing a blazer and skinny tie when all you wear is plaid shirts, because you don't DO that skinny tie urban thing) Who are you living for the most? God? Your spouse? Your friends? Your self? Who should you be living for? Do you really have to do things exactly the way you've done them to be you? Is there room for growth? Specifically, if you are married, or to be married, are letting some rigid concept of yourself stop you from doing the things that will please and minister to your spouse? Or, are you still making yourself God, and disallowing God, and vicariously others to influence your stats?
I will end by saying that some of you know all my stats, and do not really know me, and there are some of you who know very little about my stats, and know me completely. How could that be? Because stats change, essence doesn't. Who I am is found in Christ. Know Him, and you can know me. As long as I am His, then me... is a fluid concept. May His name be praised today. All glory be to Jesus.
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