Monday, March 3, 2014

5 Ways People Who Have Been Through Divorce Can Love The Church.

“I think it's impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves."
-       Ender Wiggin – “Ender’s Game” 1985
Understanding others doesn’t mend all fences.  We will still disagree, still struggle.  Yet, I have found that few things give me the power to act lovingly than the ability to empathize, to put myself in another’s shoes.  Even if I come through the process still disagreeing with that person, my heart towards them has changed.  Let’s take a look at these five ways we can do that.
1.    Remember The Reason You Know What you Know
It is really easy once in the thick of something, once things get real, once you’ve been given perspective, to be angry at those who speak from a place lacking knowledge.  They don’t know what they are talking about. 
Question is, did you know better before you went through divorce? 
I didn’t.  I honestly didn’t know a ton about divorce, separation, and remarriage until after I was left.  Previous to that, I simply toed the “company line.”  If a pastor said something, I likely believed it without much scrutiny.  I knew that I valued marriage, and only believed divorce to be acceptable in the most outlandish circumstances.  It wasn’t talked about often, but when it was, I just spouted the dogma fed to me.  It was easy to do, as I felt it protected me.  The tough parts were for others to deal with so whatev.  It had less to do with others and more to do with me.  I, like everyone, wanted to feel safe.  The idea of being strict, maybe even ugly at times about divorce was born out of my own fear that it would happen to me.  Perhaps if I could make marriage this steel trap, maybe even add things if necessary, it would be worth it, okay, if I could protect myself from having mine fall apart.  If I could build a construct and find another who shared such a view, surely it would prevent it.  It never occurred to me that I was being hypocritical, ignorant, or that I could be hurting others in the process.  It never occurred to me that I was going beyond the Bible, adding to it for my own sake.  I am going to bet many of you are probably the same, that your understanding of divorce has shifted as your eyes have been opened by experience. 
So, let’s remember that, and let it give us some room for other’s not knowing, their lack of empathy.  This doesn’t mean that we can’t admonish or correct, or that we shouldn’t try to open eyes and hearts to truth.  It just means we should do so with understanding and loving hearts.  We should see ourselves before life taught us what we know and speak to that person.  I meant no harm before.  I was trying to protect myself and I bet they are too. 
2.    Cut Them Some Slack
Divorce is beyond messy to deal with.  I remember one of my best friends, Tanner, respond when I told him my ex-wife was leaving.  He spoke what I needed to hear.  He told me he had no advice to give, that it was all beyond him, but that he loved me deeply and was there for me.  Was perfect.  Most lack such wisdom and humility.  We’ve all gone crazy hearing from fifty people fifty different views on what is “definitely” Biblical.  We’ve been told by dozens people “what they would do” or how they “could never do” blah blah blah.  We all know that they have no freaking clue what they are talking about, that they’d probably act very differently than what they “know they would do.”  It is even harder when it comes from the top.  I remember hearing a prominent pastor preach a sermon on marriage and divorce.  At the end, after admonishing everyone that divorce was not an option at all for Christians, that, should his wife ever leave him he would spend the rest of his days pursuing her.  You and I know that he doesn’t know what he is talking about, that that response is born of affection of a loving relationship.  He can’t fathom the hurt that comes from thinking you know someone but they change.  It’s like they think we all should have seen it coming.  They don’t know. 
The sad truth is that without experiencing it, there will always be ignorance on it, and no one wants everyone to have to go through it.  That ignorance is regrettable, but in a way it is at least born of good intentions.  This doesn’t make it excusable, but it should give us understanding as people who have been through this. 
3.    Recognize Why You Scare Them
We have to see where they are coming from, that they are scared.  We scare them.  The reality of our lives scares them, as they hope not to share it.  As a matter of fact, the more like them you are, the more you love God, the more they will fear you, and are likely to react harshly with you, for it makes them realize that their being good, their loving God does not protect them from having a failed marriage.  It breaks minds to see someone really love Jesus get left.  It shakes their worldview, breaks apart the prosperity gospel they hold for marriage.  That breaking stirs up denial, anger, fear, and it makes us tough to love at times.  It’s wrong.  It’s stupid.  It should change.  Still, let’s do our part though and love them anyway.  Let’s not let satan win by having bitterness take root.  We have to be aware of what our lives are doing to their worldview and wade through it lovingly. 
4.    Show Up and Share
Much of the way we are treated isn’t going to change until we stop acting like second-class Christians.  We’re not.  Some of us walked though divorce in sin.  Many have not.  Regardless, we have to go to church, be in the thick of it, and talk about it.  Now, we need not talk about it all the time, lest we become labeled, defined by it.  Yet, when the subject comes up at church, the only people I hear talking are those have no experience with it.  What is usually said is pretty ignorant, frankly, and those false walls of protection by those that are scared just get stronger. 
They need to know that divorce is not always mutual.  That just because you went through a divorce doesn’t mean you wanted it or even consented to it.  Many just assume that if you were divorced you are FOR divorce in some broad sweeping way.  You get lumped into that group of “others” who don’t respect marriage.  They need to see differently, see that you do respect marriage as much as they do, that life is just messier than they know.  It will help them be slower to judge.  They need to hear your story, how complicated it was.  Maybe they won’t change their minds completely or at all, but at least they will have knowledge.  They need to see that life goes on, that divorce is not life defining.  I have stopped checking the box for divorced on attendance cards, and have started checking single instead.  Why?  Well, because while I have been through a divorce, divorce is not my label, my status.  It was an event and not one that gets to define the rest of my life.  My marital status is single.  If I want to share about that event in life I will do so in the appropriate context. 
They need to see that even if you were wrong in divorcing your spouse that there is forgiveness, that one season of sin doesn’t negate your love for God nor your ability to serve Him.  None of this is going to happen if we who have been through it aren’t around and aren’t a part of the conversation.  Start talking.  Yes, it is hard, and it will get ugly at times, feelings will get hurt, but so be it.  Good things are often born through difficulty.  Understanding such a complicated and tempestuous subject as divorce and remarriage is guaranteed to be so.  Be brave.  Be loving.  Be gentle.  Be bold.  Show up.  Speak up.
5.    Be Okay With Differing Beliefs About Yourself
No matter what you decide to believe about your situation, someone will differ.  If you believe you are not free to remarry, there will be people who think you are legalistic and Phariseeic for not allowing yourself something they see you to be free to do.  If you believe yourself to be free to remarry, there will be people who think you are not free.  They might even call you an adulterer.  There will be people who will agree that divorce is acceptable for certain reasons, but will challenge yours should you have been the one who initiated.  At the end of the day, you are not going to change everyone’s minds.  All you can really hope for is love, and that does not mean agreement.  People can love you and not agree with you.  They do it any way about a myriad of issues.  You just probably haven’t taken it so personally. 
It hit me that right now I disagree with most Christians about something.  There are so many things to believe.  When I meet any believer I find much common ground, and much not.  This is why we have so many churches.  We are almost all reading the same book, yet we see certain details differently, whether it be predestination and free will, infant baptism or immersion, views of communion, the pope, the role of women in church, music, and on and on it goes.  Divorce and remarriage are but one cog in the wheel of difficult subjects. 
If we take it personally every time someone disagrees with us we are petty and will always be upset, as there will always be someone to disagree with us.  Let’s let it go.  Speak your mind in boldness and gentleness.  Listen when others speak theirs.  Let iron sharpen iron, and love those who you disagree with anyway.  We’re called to love everyone, not just those who see the world as we do, who agree with us on what is Biblical.  Admonish them to share their views in meekness and love too when they are harsh. 
I am sure there are many other ways we can show love, but that is more than enough for now.  I hope that your hearts and minds have been encouraged.  As always, you are welcome to write me and talk, or to leave a comment as long as it is spoken in love and gentleness. 

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