Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lyric (Puzzle) of the Day

I enjoyed yesterdays puzzle.  I think I am going to keep this going for a week or so. This song I have been listening to for the last two days.  I have done so in a way I rarely do.  I have put it on repeat, and listened to it probably twenty times or so.  I hate doing that, as I fear it ruins the song, but it has made me feel better, battle ready, hopeful, especially the part I have posted below.  To make it harder, I have selected only that which can not be easily transcribed into English with the eye.  I know I am mean.  I really do.  (wink)


 SONG: ???

nous sommes tous jouent le même jeu
nous recherchons tous pour le rachat
nous sommes juste peur de dire le nom

tellement pris dans prétendant
ce que nous cherchons est la vérité
Je suis à la recherche d'une fin heureuse
ce que je cherche, c'est vous