Thursday, July 21, 2011

Some Great Things, All To The Glory of God.

There are some really interesting things going on my world right now.  I have been begging God for some means to change in my life job wise.

The choices made have been risky ones.  I have chosen to go the risky path, and try to pursue the things that I most want to do, in the face of great failure or great success.  In my heart, I have believed that I am to simply be faithful with what I am given.  I have talents, and I burn to use them for God's glory.

When I say burn, I mean, my heart never ceases to ache for it.  My day begins and ends with this wonderful burden upon my heart, ever thankful that it is there.  It is much like pining away for a long lost love or friend.  That pain, that ache screams your loyalties and affections louder than any momentary jubilation.

Over the course of these last few days at the ranch, it looks as if some really fun and inspiringly fresh things are about to kick off in our lives.  Chelsea and I are planning on producing a documentary about some of the largest deer in the world.  We are planning to travel across the country to the different ranches that have these deer, and film the journey. It will be a crazy time of planning and filming, but it has a lot of potential to be a financial blessing, and it should be an incredible experience to boot.

I am about to start my final rewrite of Light Blue before taking measures to get it published. There are some really massive decisions to be made here.  Most of the book is spot on, but there are always ways to make things the best they can be.  I have been in fervent prayer that the Holy Spirit would move upon the hearts of those people that would publish my book.

In the end, I am excited about what is ahead.  Simply, this constant yearning in my heart for God just keeps groaning and begging that I might be a part of His glory here on Earth.

So, this is my prayer.  My prayer is that God would grant us wisdom and discernment in every single facet of this new project we have taken up, that we would be wise in our business, doing everything to glory and edification of God.  May  the Holy Spirit already be preparing a way for Light Blue to be published, and indeed successful.  May the hearts of those who are to see and believe in the book, and me as a writer, be moved to see and believe.  May my mind and heart be guided as I write, that the decisions made would be the ones that God would have me make.  I pray that God would move, in your heart and mine, that He would make us people who never cease to marvel and push others to marvel.  Also, if it be His will, that we would be instruments for others to marvel, that we would be honored to have such a joy.  May we follow and preach and teach and love no matter who listens or likes what we have to say.  May we push on toward the prize each day with an unwavering courage and a thankful heart that does not complain.  May we see the face of God in all of His creation, especially the love and tenderness and joy of the fellowship of friends and family.  Lastly, may we never hold anything this world has to offer, not even our own health, or the health of our loved ones, above the Lord our God.  To God be ALL glory and honor, AMEN.

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