Simply put, I need prayer. For whatever reason, these last two weeks I have struggled more deeply than in a long time. My heart has fallen prey to old lies, and I now find myself in the wilderness. I have turned back, and am God is faithfully leading me out, but I am still in the thick. It makes me weary being so broken. If not for the promise of God working it for the good those who love Him and are called to His purpose, I would find it too much to bear. Please pray, for though I know the way, I still feel lost. It is a bit like moving a pile of bricks, I think. It can be moved, but not all at once. It has to be moved a brick or two at a time.
Here is my prayer:
Oh Lord, forgive me for trusting myself and not you to be my guide, for taking even the tiniest thing for my own. Father, help me back to you. May your arms hold me tight once I again, how I long to feel that embrace. May your will be done in my life and in the lives of my family, my friends, and all the saints around the world. May you use this broken mess to glorify yourself. Make much of yourself through this. You are it. You are everything wonderful. All other wonders point to you. They but reflect, or magnify your glory. Thank you for all that you are, for your provision, my friends, family, health, abilities, and mostly for the continuous mercy of the cross that covers this very struggle of mine. Praise your name, that you choose to look upon your son's payment for my sin instead of my sin. Glory be your name! Glory! Amen!
Here is my prayer:
Oh Lord, forgive me for trusting myself and not you to be my guide, for taking even the tiniest thing for my own. Father, help me back to you. May your arms hold me tight once I again, how I long to feel that embrace. May your will be done in my life and in the lives of my family, my friends, and all the saints around the world. May you use this broken mess to glorify yourself. Make much of yourself through this. You are it. You are everything wonderful. All other wonders point to you. They but reflect, or magnify your glory. Thank you for all that you are, for your provision, my friends, family, health, abilities, and mostly for the continuous mercy of the cross that covers this very struggle of mine. Praise your name, that you choose to look upon your son's payment for my sin instead of my sin. Glory be your name! Glory! Amen!
He has brought you to the wilderness so you will learn to sing and lean on Him. I miss you Nicholas. Let's get together soon and talk. I think we will find that we both have a lot in common in the wilderness.