I am so excited to think about what God may be doing in your lives. I write this that you may understand my heart rightly, and that you would be encouraged.
Something I have heard over and over in the Christian church is the phrase, "you will find joy and satisfaction in God alone." People say this often.
Something I have heard over and over in the Christian church is the phrase, "you will find joy and satisfaction in God alone." People say this often.
I think the problem with saying this is that it can lead people to misunderstanding. At least that has been my experience. When I, and many other people I have talked to, hear the phrase, "in God alone," the true understanding of how we find joy and satisfaction can be narrowed in a way that can be confusing. If taken literally, we can come to believe that the phrase limits us from finding any satisfaction and joy in anything else at all. Yet, we know this is not always true.
We delight in all of God's creation. We find a satisfaction in it. We find joy in other people... just not apart from God.
God alone is the source of all joy. Source is the key word, and not one to be manipulated. We can pervert such a phrase as well to make it seem like we aren't to enjoy God in and of Himself, as if we use God to enjoy others. This is a very real temptation. It pulls on the same strings of heart that would have us be so moral that we deceive ourselves into believing we don't need Christ. May it never be! We are to long for God himself above all else. We are told to love God so strongly, that we are to hate everything else (parents, spouses, brothers, self, everything) in comparison, and we are told to love others as we love ourselves! That is how much we are supposed to love Him. Nothing else can compare. Nothing. Ultimately, it will be found nowhere in the universe.
So, we are able to find joy in the person of Christ through His creation. Look at Adam. Before the fall, before sin entered the world, God saw it fit to give Adam a mate, a helper, in Eve. Think of the implications of that we now know that God created us to find joy in Him through others. God ultimately is the reason I have food, yet he still has me eat it. I can enjoy the bread itself. God made us to need other humans. On and on the examples go.
I don't want to miss out on all that God has for me, and I know He has created me to find satisfaction and joy in Him, in and of himself, and through others. Either way, the joy is found in Him.
God has given me a love of trees, so let the splendor of the leaves rustling in the wind whisper God's gentleness. Let roaring waves of the ocean shout of his mighty power. Let the tenderness of human laughter warm.
So, when you see my joy, do not fear, join me, if you haven't already. You may already know this. It is God whom I am searching, and He is the one that has commanded me to love, but a breath after telling me to love Himself without reserve. With Him as our ultimate love, I believe the satisfaction and joy found in His creation, especially in each other, is not only real but vast. That is surely my experience. For many of you have already been God's instruments of peace, joy and satisfaction already, and it my hope that I have been so for others also.
May these words encourage you greatly, and excite your soul to love. To God be all glory, for all satisfaction, joy, and peace will be found in Him, and no where else. To Him be all glory. Amen.
God has given me a love of trees, so let the splendor of the leaves rustling in the wind whisper God's gentleness. Let roaring waves of the ocean shout of his mighty power. Let the tenderness of human laughter warm.
So, when you see my joy, do not fear, join me, if you haven't already. You may already know this. It is God whom I am searching, and He is the one that has commanded me to love, but a breath after telling me to love Himself without reserve. With Him as our ultimate love, I believe the satisfaction and joy found in His creation, especially in each other, is not only real but vast. That is surely my experience. For many of you have already been God's instruments of peace, joy and satisfaction already, and it my hope that I have been so for others also.
May these words encourage you greatly, and excite your soul to love. To God be all glory, for all satisfaction, joy, and peace will be found in Him, and no where else. To Him be all glory. Amen.
Genesis 2:18 ESV
Then the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him."
Philemon 1:12 ESV
I am sending him back to you, sending my very heart.
Philemon 1:20 ESV
Yes, brother, I want some benefit from you in the Lord. Refresh my heart in Christ.
Romans 1:11 ESV
For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you-
Philippians 4:1 ESV
Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved.
Philippians 1:7 ESV
It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel.
Philippians 1:8 ESV
For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.