And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right. If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of him. Do not associate with him, in order that he may feel ashamed. Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.
This verse just captivates me for several reason. There are several things in here that catch my eye because they say something very deep and meaningful that are, I would think, at odds with who we are as Americans in the year 2011.
The main reason this verse caught my eye was because of what it says of idleness. I have been reading and praying a lot about being less Idle. Yet, I feel as if when I speak of being idle, most people think as I do. When we think of an idle person, don't most of us see someone poorly kept, sitting on the sofa playing their XBox for hours upon end? I bet so. Yet, that is not how Paul is defining the word Idle. Notice he says that those who are idle are not busy. That makes sense. Then he says, "They are busybodies." (Insert scratching record sound) They are busybodies, not people sitting on their couch playing XBox. There is at least an appearance of busyness, right? This verse immediately took me back to something my mother said before I read this, showing her understanding. I was talking to her about my desire to become a man who does what he is supposed to do. She praised such wisdom, and then told me a story about how just a week earlier she had been talking to my grandmother. She was telling my Ganga how she struggles with being idle. My grandmother reproved her mildly, saying that no one spent more time doing things than she does (which is true). My mother replied by saying that she was a busybody. She was always doing something, but rarely what really needed to be done. The depth of that notion just smacked me thick in the face. It is so true. Not being idle is about getting done what actually needs to get done. I want to be the type of man that pays bills immediately, being a wise and handy steward of what God has provided. I want to be the type of man that doesn't clean the house after it gets dirty. I want to be the type of man that keeps the house from getting dirty in the first place. I want to pray often and think deeply, be quick to answer my phone when people call, and ready to react or respond. God has been so faithful. Slowly but surely the tide has been turning, and I have seen the fruit of my labor on my wife's face again and again. I see the pride on my parents faces as they sense a deep change that can only come from God, as they have lived my idle behind most of my life.
I want to write about the rest of the verse, but I must go. I will pick the mantle up later! (rolls eyes at self) Anyhow, may your day be blessed. In Jesus' name, I love you and am praying that you too would be constantly growing toward Christ. No matter where you are in life, no matter how deep into the you-know-what you are wading through, Jesus' love and grace is there for you. Nothing is too much! He loves you right where you are. Just keep moving toward Christ! Keep asking, seeking, and knocking! God cherishes perseverance in prayer.
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