Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why bother?

I don't know if others feel this way, but I feel the need to explain why I am bothering to share my thoughts publicly in the first place.  I feel this way because so many questions can come be asked about blogging.  Do I simply feel the need to fill the air with my thoughts?  Do I blog because I think I am smarter than others, and they need my thoughts?  Am I simply looking for attention?  I think it is only healthy for anyone who decides to blog to ask such questions, and be able to answer them honestly.  For the longest time I didn't blog because I hadn't answered those questions.  Yet, I surely don't need to fill the air with my thoughts.  I have a private journal, complete with diagrams explaining teleportation and doodles of unicorns for that.  There is no need for approval from random readers.  I have enough family and friends to fill all approving and disapproving needs.  I wouldn't have the foggiest clue how to even judge such a thing as smartness in the first place.  (I could have the I.Q. of a pomegranate.  I don't know my I.Q.)  I simply enjoy learning from others, and I figure I will share my thoughts in hopes that they are of some value to you and others in return.  Perhaps my thoughts will be so stupid that they will bring you humor.  Perhaps you will look at them and think, "Well, now I know what not to think."  Of course, my hope is that my pursuit of wisdom and truth will bring forth those very things, wisdom and truth.  I will share my thoughts.  Many will be wrong, but hopefully many will also be worth your time and thought.  Whatever the case, you can look at what I say, and take it for what it is, the thoughts of a human being, with all the limitations and prejudices and shortcomings that entails.


  1. I will look forward to your posts.:)

  2. This is gonna' be good. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Nick!
