Thursday, November 11, 2010

My name is Gavin Apple Wilshire III.

Little side post here.  I was just reading the other day about how people are no longer naming their children, they are "branding" them.  If I understand correctly, and I am sure that I do, supposedly the difference is that when you name someone you are thinking about what is important to you, i.e. heritage, family names, the name of the pizza shop you met at, etc.  Branding is where you select a name based on how you want the child to be perceived, i.e. changing your name from Jin Kim to Chaz Johnson.  Whatever.  I actually like the creativity of names lately.  I am a sub and let me say that people have gone nuts with the names.  There is a Tomorrow, a Passionette, and more. What I actually found the funniest is how, as humans, we can manage to make everything end up sounding materialistic.  We spend time, earn respect, and now we brand children.  (With thick Texas accent) "Branding your child?  That just sounds painful."

1 comment:

  1. I had a Lee-a once, go ahead and take a guess at how you pronounce that piece of nomenclature gold. I dig the blog, keep it up.
