Sunday, November 14, 2010

One more thing.

I wanted to write more than this, but I need to take my wife home.  She isn't feeling up to par. (I would cherish your prayers for her health)  Still, I wanted to add something to my introductory blog post, where I gave my reasons for starting to write these posts.  I want to say that, in the end, my ultimate reason is that I am filled with discontent with my role in ministering to this world.  Forgetful and procrastinatory, everyday I am left yearning for a way to do something, anything to minister.  Each day as I go to sleep, the realization that another day has come and gone, and all I have done is collect a few more pieces of green paper, get my Wood Elf up to a level eighteen, and eat another spoonful or two of peanut butter.  It is GONE!  One day I will stand before the Almighty God of the Universe and I will have to tell Him I took all of that talent, time and wisdom, and chose to apply to everything but letting every one I could know just how wonderful, mighty, holy, and merciful He is!  God doesn't need me.  God saves people without me.  That isn't what I am saying.  Still, my heart longs to tell Christ I love Him everyday, and He has called me to do so by loving His people, and telling them just how wonderful knowing and loving Him is!  So, I blog in hopes that somehow God can use some of my drivel for His glory.  That would be a miracle indeed.

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